Brand New Year, Brand New Look

2018 was an exciting year for us! The firm celebrated its 15th year, and underwent a brand refresh which we are delighted to share with you as we kick off the new year.

Some things about the firm have not changed since 2003: the firm’s tight-knit, enterprising spirit remains the bedrock of our culture; our collaborative design process and knack for tackling complex problems still drive us.

In many other ways however, we have evolved and grown – literally. From 2 employees to nearly 50. The range of the firm’s work has evolved too. Every project has pushed us to design more boldly, with better precision, and always with the goal to create spaces that foster connection and delight – and that has changed us for the better.

We look forward to continuing our tradition of working collaboratively to design places that enrich communities and enhance experiences, boldly together.